
Wednesday 29 May 2013


Managed to reach and have the boat launched into the waters just before the crew breaks for their 12noon lunch. Powered off to spot one 14km away off Chek Jawa, but alas, it was swamped with boats, so could only anchor at the fringe of the underwater reef...

 With only another 3.5hrs to go to be back at the marina, decided not to waste any precious time. Weighed anchor and powered up, went full throttle down East and then Northwards maxing the GPS speed to 33knots against the wind, to cover another 7km towards a small patch reef between our neighbour and Western Tekong that I had chanced upon recently..

Was careful not to hover too close to the reef so as not to spook the shy prized threadfins known to inhabit this reef, and so positioned the boat abt 10m up-current. Rigged up the first rod and tossed it a couple of metres astern and let the current carry it the rest of the way down toward the reef.

Before we could bring out the 2nd rod, bang......the rod was bent to breaking point with line peeling.........Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

It wasn't a threadfin, but a seabass....Aka.. Barramundi....Aka....KBL..... pulled the boga scale to just over 14-Pounds...
A couple more takes and it came time to weigh anchor again at 3.30pm...

A chermin....

and a sweet-lip..

Back to the marina and had the boat hoisted up just a tad before 4pm, in good time to be home to change up and be punctual for my international buffet dinner gathering at 6pm.

Wednesday 8 May 2013


With only less than 4 hrs to spare, powered out at 9am to Changi "reef A" some 20km away for an hour to try for the hungry goodies that usually lurk below in between tides, ahhh, happy for a decent snapper and a grouper to show for the effort, before coming back in for the non-stop fun of hauling in smallies for this weekend's nasi lemak meal.

Back to the marina by 12.55pm, in good time for the 3
pm appt in town.

Tuesday 30 April 2013


The whole place was teeming with 2-4Lb Queenies and the surface boiling with bait fish. Jigs and baits were thrown at them for a fun-filled morning of catch and release.

Friday 22 March 2013


Haven't been out for sometime, fishing's still ok despite the wet weather. Cosily huddled behind the boat shades, hot coffee in hand waiting for that twitch in the rod, sometimes followed by a couple of screeching bends...